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Australia Helps Address Violence Against Women in Indonesia

News, speeches and media

Media Release


'Australia will provide a $1 million grant to the Indonesian National Commission on Violence Against Women as part of our commitment to addressing violence against women in the region,' Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance Bob McMullan announced today.

The funding will assist the Commission to promote human rights and particularly the rights of women in Indonesia.

Mr McMullan announced the grant on the sidelines of the Bali Democracy Forum.

'Australia is committed to ensuring men and women benefit equally from development and this grant highlights our ongoing work in partnership with Indonesia to promote gender equality,' Mr McMullan said.

The assistance will strengthen the Commission's ability to promote women's issues amongst a wide range of people including Indonesian judges, police and women leaders.

It will also support the Commission's contribution to policy debates on women's rights and an annual national conference on violence against women.

The two-year grant is being funded through the Australia Indonesia Partnership which aims to assist Indonesia to meet Millennium Development Goals, including gender equality.

The announcement comes as the world finishes marking the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN's 16 Days of Action Against Gender Violence.

Media Contacts:

Sabina Curatolo (Mr McMullan's Office) 0400 318 205

AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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