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Australia Supports Humanitarian Programs in East Timor

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Australia is to provide a further $300 000 to the International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) for its humanitarian work in East Timor.

The funds, provided by AusAID, the Australian Agency for International
Development, will support the ICRC's work promoting international humanitarian
law and values in the Indonesian province. Last year Australia also provided
$300 000 towards the ICRC's East Timor operations.

The ICRC plays a critical role in East Timor. As a neutral and impartial
international humanitarian organisation, it has established constructive working
relations with civilian and military authorities and has the trust of the
civilian population. Its work includes monitoring the conditions of political
prisoners and disseminating information about international humanitarian law,
including through training sessions with military and police officers.

As well, the ICRC maintains a public health program in East Timor and, in
partnership with the Indonesian Red Cross, installs basic water supply systems
in remote villages throughout the province.

This year total Australian aid to East Timor will total over $4 million,
making us the largest bilateral donor to the province. Major continuing projects
are in water and sanitation, veterinary services and agricultural and rural

Note: photos (transparencies) of the ICRC's East Timor operation
are available from AusAID.

A feature on Australian aid to East Timor, including an article on
the ICRC's operations, appeared in the December 1996 issue of the AusAID
magazine, FOCUS.

Media contact:
Kirk Coningham (Mr Downer's Office) 06 277 7500/0411 414 695 Geoff Adlide
(AusAID) 06 206 4967

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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