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Urgently needed sanitation facilities for the people of Long Tan Village will be provided by the Australian Government, the Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Bruce Billson, announced today during a visit to Long Tan.
'Although the village of Long Tan was rebuilt after the Vietnam War, the community of 5000 still suffers from serious public health problems because of limited access to clean water and sanitation facilities,' Mr Billson said.
'With only a third of homes having toilets, Australia will provide the Australian Vietnam Veteran's Reconstruction Group (AVVRG) with more than $85,000 to build 280 toilets in the homes of the village's poorest residents.
'Australian forces in Vietnam suffered their highest number of battle casualties at Long Tan in 1966 and many Australians visit the site to pay their respects and make a contribution to helping the local community,' Mr Billson said.
'The AVVRG has identified a need to help the more than 300 people, mainly children, that are diagnosed each year with serious viral and bacterial diseases and ailments because of a lack of proper sanitation,' Mr Billson said.
'The construction of the facilities will make a real difference to improving the health of the villagers and is part of the broader Long Tan Health Community Aid Project developed at the request of the provincial government.
'AusAID, the Australian Government's overseas aid agency, is contributing an estimated $77.3 million in development assistance to Vietnam in 2005-2006. This aims to improve living standards in poor regions, support Vietnam's international economic integration and stimulate important private sector growth,' Mr Billson said.
Mr Billson praised the work of AVVRG and its president Paul Murphy, for raising and managing in excess of $800,000, including more than $300,000 provided by the Australian government, for aid projects in Southern Vietnam over the last ten years.
Media inquiries:
Shane Fairlie (with Mr Billson in Vietnam) 0408 680 442
AusAID Public Affairs (Vietnam) 0408 485 560 (Canberra) 0417 680 590
Please note Vietnam is three hours' behind AEST.