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Australia to Fund Model Prison in Cambodia

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Australia will contribute $3 million towards a model Cambodian prison, the Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Bruce Billson, announced today during a tour of the prison construction site near Phnom Penh.

'The Australian Government's overseas aid agency AusAID will fund the much needed criminal justice infrastructure in Cambodia, including the new prison design,' Mr Billson said.

'The entire scope of a fair criminal justice system, including imprisonment conditions, is important in every society, and Australian assistance aims to establish international standards at the prison.

'The Kandal Prison, due for completion in September 2006, will include an integrated farming program so prisoners can improve their technical skills and provide food for both the prison and the marketplace,' Mr Billson said.

'The model design will serve as a blueprint for future prisons in the provision of prisoner health and welfare needs, rehabilitation through vocational and educational training and HIV/AIDS awareness programs.

'Other capital works under this program include construction of model police stations, courts and prison facilities, improving water harvesting at three prisons, renovation of prison health clinics and upgraded forensic examination facilities.

'The Cambodian Criminal Justice Assistance Project (CCJAP), now in its second phase, has a strengthened focus on law and order, which includes crime prevention and community safety, while increasing the investigation capacity of police and courts, trial and sentencing and prisoner health and rehabilitation.

'Australia has committed more than $30 million since 1997 to support Cambodia's criminal justice system through the CCJAP and has significantly improved prisoner conditions and provided much needed training, policy advice and infrastructure support,' Mr Billson said.

Media inquiries:

Shane Fairlie (with Mr Billson in Cambodia) 0408 680 442

AusAID (Public Affairs in Cambodia) 0408 485 560

AusAID Public Affairs Canberra 0417 680 590

Please note Cambodia is three hours' behind AEST.

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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