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Australian Aid to the Philippines - Making a Positive Contribution to Peace and Development in Our Region

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Chris Gallus has recently returned from the Philippines where she had
high-level discussions on future development cooperation, including Australian
support for the peace process in Mindanao.

Australia is contributing $63.5 million to assistance programs which aim to
reduce poverty and promote sustainable development. A major focus is on Mindanao
in the Southern Philippines, where there is a long history of instability and
civil disputes.

'It is vital that support is provided for efforts to establish peace, as
peace is an essential precondition for poverty reduction and development,' Mrs
Gallus said.

'Our Development Cooperation Program targets four key livelihood areas -
rural incomes, the environment, education and health - all making a difference
through improving people's lives for the long-term.'

Mrs Gallus was pleased that Australia's assistance was contributing to the
development of the Philippines as well as reinforcing a positive message about
Australia, Australians and our continuing focus on the region.

'A unique feature of Australian aid is the way it is delivered. Australians
work in close partnership with the Philippines to ensure the best outcomes for
those most in need.

'During my visit I also met with Australians working in the Southern
Philippines under the Youth Ambassadors for Development program, an initiative
of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer.

'These impressive young Australians make a practical contribution to the
development of the Philippines. One of our Youth Ambassadors is working as an
agricultural scientist in the hills of Negros. Another young woman is assisting
street children in Cebu City. These young people working in the Philippines
present a very positive image of Australia.'

Mrs Gallus also highlights that due to current security concerns in parts of
the Philippines, especially in some areas of the southern island of Mindanao,
Australians have been advised not to travel to those areas for their own safety
and should refer to for
travel advice.

Media inquiries:

Melissa Moore (Office of the Parliamentary Secretary) 02 6277 4840 0408 680

Jo Elsom (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 / 0412 804 489

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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