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Australian Assistance for Palestinian People

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Visiting the Palestinian Territories today, the Deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard announced that Australia will provide $10 million for essential services such as education and health care for the Palestinian people.

The assistance, provided through the World Bank-managed trust fund, will help the Palestinian Authority build effective institutions to deliver these services.

The Deputy Prime Minister visited a school and spent time in the home of a Palestinian family in the Aida Camp in Bethlehem with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

'Helping to build the capacity of schools and health clinics is vital for the Palestinian people and the viability of a future Palestinian state.'

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasised Australia's support for the Palestinian Authority and ongoing commitment to assist vulnerable Palestinians in partnership with the UNRWA, UN agencies, Australian and international non-government organisations.

'Australia's assistance is being directed towards addressing immediate humanitarian needs and helping promote stronger governance, reflecting our long term support for the Middle East peace process.'

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasised Australia's concern for the Palestinian people in a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, Salam Fayyad in Ramallah.

Australia's contribution is part of the $20 million pledge in March to assist the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations and members of the international community to meet the recovery and reconstruction needs of the Palestinian people.

Since 2007 Australia has committed over $75 million in development and humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian Territories. This includes:

  • $45 million in December 2007, a doubling of Australia's assistance to the Palestinian Territories;
  • $5 million on 1 January 2009, an immediate humanitarian response to the conflict;
  • $5 million on 27 January 2009, further humanitarian assistance in response to the conflict;
  • $20 million on 2 March 2009, Australia's pledge at the international donors' conference for reconstruction and recovery in Egypt.

The details of the allocation of the remaining $10 million of the pledge will be determined in the second half of this year.

Media Contacts:

Kimberley Gardiner (Travelling with Gillard) 0434159 842

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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