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Australian Research and Training to Help Vietnamese Farmers

News, speeches and media

Media Release


I am pleased to announce that Australia will fund a two year program in Vietnam
to enhance teaching and research capacity in agriculture and rural development.

Research institutions in Australia and Vietnam will cooperate to provide mutual
benefits for both countries in the area of crop and livestock improvement, irrigation,
animal health, agro-forestry, post harvesting, forestry, fisheries and water

Australian assistance will provide opportunities for staff exchanges, training
courses, joint research, seminars and agricultural extension services through
partnerships between Australian and Vietnamese agricultural experts.

Over thirty Vietnamese universities and research institutes will be involved
in teaching and research partnerships with Australian institutions such as the
University of Sydney, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Queensland Beef industry and Agriculture Western Australia.

In particular, some special projects will focus on expanding fruit fly treatment,
biofertiliser technology for rice production, research into soil borne fungal
diseases, cattle breeding and potato production.

Total assistance for research and training will reach $6.3 million, shared
by the Australian Government, and Australian and Vietnamese institutions. Through
the Australian Government Overseas Aid Program, Australia will provide $3.7
million. Australian research institutions will contribute $1.8 million and Vietnam
will provide $0.7 million.

The research and training program will directly help Vietnamese farmers to
increase their food production and quality of life in the poorer rural areas
of Vietnam.


Media contacts:

James Baker: ( Ministerial) 02 6277 7500 /0419 206 890

Fionna Douglas: (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 / 0412 804 489

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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