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Australia's overseas aid program will be revitalised with a new clear
objective and fundamental principles and priorities to guide the program into
the 21st century.
I am pleased to have tabled today the Government's response to the Report of
the Committee of Review of the Australian Overseas Aid Program. I established
the Committee, headed by Mr Paul Simons AM, in June 1996, fulfilling an election
promise to review an aid program that had lost its direction and sense of
As I announced in Parliament today, the objective of the Australian aid
program will be:
- 'To advance Australia's national interest by assisting developing
countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development'
In formulating this objective, the Government recognises that it is in our
national interest to make a substantial and effective contribution to reducing
the mass poverty which continues to afflict so many of the world's people. In an
increasingly globalised world, it is in our self-interest to help developing
countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development. Not to do so
would harm our own economy.
I know that some people in the community think that there is a choice between
dealing with problems at home or providing assistance overseas. This is a
misunderstanding and it is self-defeating. The promotion of sustainable
development overseas and the pursuit of Australia's long-term national interest
are inextricably linked.
By promoting growth in developing countries the aid program helps foster
stability and expand trade and investment opportunities for Australia. Through
aid, we also address many threats to our own prosperity, such as HIV/AIDS,
illegal migration, global environment problems and narcotics.
Fundamentally, our aid program, by promoting human rights and addressing the
needs of the world's most disadvantaged, is a clear statement of Australian
values. I have great faith in the generosity of Australians and our commitment
to giving others, much worse off than ourselves, a fair go. I want the
Australian aid program to be one in which all Australians can feel justly
In addition to the new, focused objective, six key principles will underpin
the aid program. It will:
- focus on partnerships with developing countries
- be responsive to urgent needs and development trends
- concentrate on practical efforts
- be more targeted
- have a clear Australian identity
- be outward looking and open to new ideas
Our aid will continue to concentrate on the Asia Pacific region with Papua
New Guinea, the Pacific islands and East Asia as high priorities. Within
countries, the focus will be on the poorer areas, for example the southern
Philippines and eastern Indonesia. Australia will continue to concentrate
selectively on development needs in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East and
will maintain a flexible and responsive approach to humanitarian crises,
wherever they arise.
The aid program will give priority attention to five key sectors that are
crucial for the alleviation of poverty and achieving sustainable development:
health, education, infrastructure, rural development and governance.
I am also establishing an advisory committee to advise me on aid and
development issues. This will be an avenue for direct input from the broader
Australian community about Australia's aid efforts. Details of this committee
will be released shortly.
The Simons' Review contained 79 specific recommendations. The Government has
accepted the overwhelming majority, accepting fully, in part or in principle, 64
of the recommendations and noting another six for further consideration.
The new objective, principles and priorities that I have announced today will
result in a better-targeted and focused aid program and help build a better,
more productive world around us. The new directions the Government has set for
our overseas aid efforts will result in an aid program of which all Australians
can feel proud.
Media contacts:
Innes Willox (Minister's Office) 02
6277 7500 / 0411 414 695
Geoff Adlide (AusAID) 02 6206 4966 / 0417 683