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Builder of My Thuan Bridge Selected

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Baulderstone Hornibrook Engineering has today been endorsed by the
Governments of Australia and Vietnam as the successful tenderer for the
construction of the My Thuan Bridge over the Mekong River in southern

Baulderstone Hornibrook, one of Australia's largest building, construction
and engineering groups, has recently completed Sydney's Glebe Island Bridge, one
of the most technically challenging projects in Australia.

The My Thuan Bridge will be of cable stayed design, similar in appearance to
the Glebe Island Bridge. It will be the first bridge across the Mekong in
Vietnam and will make a significant contribution to economic development in the
entire Mekong delta.

Four leading Australian construction companies were shortlisted for the
project, with assessment of tenders conducted jointly with the Vietnamese

The selection of Baulderstone Hornibrook represents the culmination of over
four years of intensive effort by AusAID and Australia's leading construction
and engineering firms to ensure the most cost effective and appropriate design
for this important project. The Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation
conducted the feasibility study and the detailed design was undertaken by
Maunsell Engineers.

Up to 300 Australians and over 1500 Vietnamese will be employed during the
life of the project.

The bridge site is technically very difficult and construction will require a
high degree of engineering excellence, which Australia is well equipped to
provide. Along with its development benefits, the project will involve a high
level of technology transfer and training of a large number of Vietnamese
engineers and managers.

The My Thuan Bridge is one of Vietnam's highest priority national
infrastructure projects. The cost of building the bridge is being shared between
Australia and Vietnam. Australia's share of the construction costs will be about
$59 million.

All preparatory arrangements for construction have been completed. Work will
begin in June, with an expected completion date of late 2000.

Media contact: Kirk Conningham (Mr Downer's Office) 06 277
7500/0411 414 695 Andrea McLaughlin (AusAID) 06 206 4966

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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