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The Howard Government's new aid policy, 'Better Aid for a Better Future', illustrates our strong commitment to development partnerships with Pacific island countries.
The Government accepted the Simons Report's recommendation that special attention be given to Australia's aid relations with Papua New Guinea and the Pacific because of the relative size and impact of Australian aid in the region, our potential to help achieve development, and our national interest. Australia's support for PNG's drought relief efforts is a good example of our commitment to our near neighbours.
Australia's aid program will now be better targeted and focused on meeting the priority needs of island nations. To this end, a new Pacific development strategy is being prepared by AusAID, the Government's aid agency. In addition, changes to AusAID's procurement guidelines will see a greater involvement of people from partner countries in the delivery of Australian aid projects.
The priority sectors for the aid program have been expanded in 'Better Aid for a Better Future' to include governance as well as health, education, infrastructure and rural development. These are all priority areas for countries in the Pacific. Governance is being supported particularly effectively in the Pacific through the Policy and Management Reform program. This was endorsed by the Simons Committee as an important and useful mechanism for supporting Pacific countries' own reform efforts.
Importantly, the Government did not accept the recommendation of the Simons Committee of Review to restrict Australian assistance to a core group of Pacific countries. As a major donor to the Pacific region, particularly those members of the South Pacific Forum, the Government considers that it should support the development efforts of all Pacific island countries.
My recent, first overseas visit as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs was to the Pacific. I look forward to a continuing personal association with our Pacific island neighbours.
Media contacts:
Geoff Adlide (AusAID) (02) 6206 4967/ 0417 683 126
Judi Nixon (Parliamentary Secretary's office) 0411 287 258