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I am pleased to announce the establishment of a Consultative Group of eminent people to assist the Centre for Democratic Institutions with its important work in promoting democracy, human rights and good governance in the region.
The Consultative Group brings together an extraordinary group of people with a range of skills and experience particularly suited to the work of the Centre for Democratic Institutions (CDI), including: the Right Hon Malcolm Fraser, Chairman CARE Australia; Sir Daryl Dawson, a former judge of the High Court; Dame Roma Mitchell, former Governor of South Australia; and, Professor Alice Tay, President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Professor Ian McAllister, Director, Research School of Social Sciences, at the Australian National University, which hosts the CDI, also joins the group.
The range of skills and experience held by the members of the Group exemplifies the CDI's mission, which is 'to harness the best of Australia's democratic experience in support of developing countries' needs for good governance'.
The establishment of the CDI was an initiative I was proud to launch in 1998. Already, its work on promoting democracy, human rights and effective governance in the Asia-Pacific region has gained a positive reputation.
The CDI's Inaurgral Annual Address was delivered by Former President of the Philippines, Fidel Ramos at Parliament House in Canberra, late last year. Earlier this year, the CDI presented a speech and discussion by the Former President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev at Parliament House.
The Centre has targeted four key areas of governance as the focus of its work: the Parliamentary and the judicial processes, the development of independent media, and the participation of non-government organisations in civil society. Working with other Australian institutions, the CDI assists the development of good governance by providing short intensive training courses to people working in key areas and by encouraging the exchange of information and public debate in the region.
Meeting twice a year, the Consultative Group will provide overall guidance and advice to the CDI on policy and strategic directions. One of the responsibilities of the Consultative Group will be to assist the CDI to gain sponsorship from the private sector and philanthropic institutions both in Australia and overseas.
The Australian Government has provided $5 million over the next five years to assist the establishment of the CDI.
Media contacts:
Innes Willox (Minister's Office) - 02 6277 7500 or 0419 206 890
Deborah Nesbitt (AusAID) - 02 6206 4966 or 0419 683 767