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DFAT announces new Data Centre partnership with Canberra Data Centres

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Media Release

Media release

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has signed a contract with Canberra Data Centres (CDC) to host the Department's new data centre.

The contract was signed by DFAT Chief Information Officer, Tuan Dao, and representatives from CDC at a ceremony at the Department's headquarters in Canberra on Tuesday April 9.

"This is a major step forward for our ICT modernisation agenda," said Mr Dao.

"The new facility will provide next-generation technical capabilities for the Department and our many client agencies across government."

The new facility will allow DFAT to consolidate and modernise its core systems to support a more efficient and responsive ICT service for the Department and Australian Government internationally.

The new data centre will be fundamental in supporting the development and operation of Australia's new Passport system - the contract for which was signed between DFAT and Fujitsu Australia Limited in late March.

The Department will now commence the fit-out of the new data centre and prepare to transition from its present facilities.

Mr Dao acknowledged the efforts of DFAT and CDC teams in laying the ground work for construction to begin immediately.

Media enquiries: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (02 6261 1555)

Last Updated: 11 April 2013
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