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First Senior Officials Meeting between Timor-Leste and Australia continues positive momentum in relationship

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Media Release

Officials from Timor-Leste and Australia met today for the inaugural Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) on Bilateral Relations.

The meeting, hosted by Timor-Leste's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC) in Dili reflects the momentum in the relationship brought since the signing of the Maritime Boundary Treaty in March this year.

Officials discussed the breadth and depth of the long-standing cooperative relationship between Timor-Leste and Australia, their shared interests in the region, and how both countries can collaborate more closely to promote their common commitment to the international rules-based order.

Officials also discussed expanding bilateral security cooperation in the region and future directions for the development partnership.

Both sides committed to implementing the Maritime Boundary Treaty as soon as their domestic treaty processes were complete and the new regulatory regime had been agreed with the companies whose interests will move into exclusive Timor-Leste territory once the Treaty enters into force.

Australia reiterated its support for Timor-Leste's efforts to join the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the World Trade Organisation and the Commonwealth of Nations, of which Australia is a founding member.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will host the next SOM in 2019 ahead of the first annual talks between foreign ministers.


The head of the Timor-Leste delegation was Ambassador Isílio Coelho, Director-General for Bilateral Affairs for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC). The head of the Australian delegation was Ms Julie Heckscher, First Assistant Secretary, Southeast Asia Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Canberra.

Enkontru Dahuluk entre Ofisiál Senior sira husi Timor-Leste no Austrália kontinua forsa maka'as pozitivu iha relasaun entre nasaun rua

16 Outubru 2018

Ofisiál sira husi Timor-Leste no Austrália hasoru malu ohin hanesan enkontru ba dahuluk entre ofisiál senior sira kona-ba Relasaun Bilaterál.

Ministériu Negósius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun Timor-Leste (MNEK) iha Díli mak sai nu'udar uma nain ba enkontru ne'e. Ne'e refleta forsa maka'as iha relasaun entre nasaun rua desde asina Akordu Fronteira Marítima iha fulan Marsu tinan ne'e.

Ofisiál sira deskuti kona-ba relasaun kooperativa luan no kle'an entre Timor-Leste no Austrália ne'ebé bele dura iha tempu naruk, kona-ba sira-nia interese ne'ebé hanesan iha rejiaun, no oinsa nasaun rua ne'e bele kolabora ho diak liután atu promove sira nia komitmentu komún ba ordem internasionál ne'ebé bazeia ba regulamentu sira.

Ofisiál sira mos deskuti oinsa atu habelar kooperasaun seguransa bilaterál iha rejiaun ne'e no diresaun futuru sira seluk ba parseiru dezenvolvimentu.

Parte rua iha komitmentu atu implementa kedan Akordu Fronteira Marítima kuandu sira-nia prosesu doméstiku akordu nian kompleta ona no rejime regulatóriu foun iha ona akordu ho kompañia sira ne'ebé sira nia interese sei muda tama ba teritóriu ekskluzivu Timor-Leste kuandu Akordu ne'e vigór ona.

Austrália salienta fali sira-nia suporta ba Timor-Leste nia esforsu atu sai membru Asosiasaun Sudeste-aziátiku, Organizasaun Komérsiu Mundiál, no nasaun Commonwealth ne'ebé Austrália nu'udar membru fundadór.

Departamentu Negósius Estranjeirus no Komérsiu Austrália nian sei sai uma nain ba enkontru ofisiál senior sira tuir mai iha tinan 2019 antes konversa kada tinan ba dahuluk entre ministru negósius estranjeirus sira.


Xefe delegasaun husi Timor-Leste mak Embaixadór Isílio Coelho, Diretór Jerál ba Asuntu Bilaterál Ministeriu Negósius Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun (MNEK). Xefe delegasaun Australia nian mak Sra Julie Heckscher, Primeira Secretária Adjuntu, Divizaun Sudeste-aziátiku, Departamentu Negósius Estranjeirus no Komérsiu iha Canberra.

Last Updated: 18 October 2018
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