Released By:
I am pleased to announce that Mr Peter Core will be the new Director of the
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).
Mr Core will commence his five-year term as Director of ACIAR on 31 July
2002. He is currently Managing Director of the Rural Industries Research and
Development Corporation in Canberra.
ACIAR, which is part of Australia's overseas aid program, commissions
projects to assist developing countries by mobilising Australia's agricultural
research expertise. As Managing Director of RIRDC, Mr Core has sound experience
in a small, similarly-focused agency that is in the business of funding
agricultural research. Mr Core, who has a background in agricultural economics,
has an established reputation for strong and strategic leadership.
ACIAR plays an important role in the effective delivery of Australia's aid
program and needs to be responsive both to global development priorities and to
the interests of Australian farmers and researchers. Mr Core will contribute
high policy perspectives on agricultural research and development, and strong
management and communication skills. I am confident that he will provide ACIAR
with the leadership to maintain its excellent reputation.
Mr Core will succeed Dr Robert Clements, who has been Director since 1995.
Under his leadership, projects commissioned by ACIAR have achieved outstanding
results, which are now bringing considerable benefits to developing countries
and to Australia.
Media enquiries:
Professor Beth Woods 07 5460 1028 / 0417 704 881