Released By:
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Transport and Regional Services, John Anderson Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer
We are pleased to announce a $1.3 million initiative assisting the
Philippines to strengthen port security and to develop and implement port
security plans.
Australia will work in partnership with the Philippines to develop a national
strategic framework for port security. This will help reduce security risks from
terrorism incidents in port facilities.
The 18-month Port Security Capacity Building Project, funded by AusAID and
managed by the Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS), will also
assist the Philippines to meet the 1 July 2004 deadline for compliance with the
International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) International Ship and Port Facility
Security Code (ISPS).
The Code forms part of a new global security regime for international
shipping. It obliges countries to take preventive measures against security
incidents that affect international shipping.
In addition to the development of a national strategic framework to enhance
security of ports in the Philippines, DOTARS will provide an in-country adviser
to assist with the development of policy and regulations. The department will
provide training to improve the capacity of port authorities to develop and
implement port security plans.
The project is part of the Australian Government's three-year $5 million
Philippines Counter-Terrorism Assistance initiative. This package aims to build
the capacity of key Philippines Government agencies to combat terrorism with a
particular focus on law enforcement, border control, port security and regional
The other components of Australia's counter-terrorism assistance to the
Philippines are progressing well. The $3.65 million AusAID/AFP law enforcement
counter-terrorism capacity building project was launched on 20 April 2004.
Document fraud equipment and training have been provided to the Philippines
Bureau of Immigration and initial activities to strengthen regional security
cooperation have taken place in southern Philippines.
Media contacts:
Chris Kenny (Mr Downer's Office) 0419 206 890
Dominic Morice (AusAID) 0417 683 126
Paul Chamberlin (Mr Anderson's Office) 0419 233 989