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Western Australians are invited to comment on and contribute to the future direction of Australia's overseas aid program, the Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr Bruce Billson, said today.
'Extensive consultation involving open forums and seminars around Australia is being conducted to assist in the development of a White Paper on Australia's aid program,' Mr Billson said.
'The White Paper aims to provide a medium-term strategic blueprint for our aid program that
builds on lessons learned and ensures our assistance remains effective in a world of evolving challenges and new insights.
'On 13 September at the United Nations Summit in New York, Prime Minister John Howard announced a goal to increase Australia's overseas aid allocation to $4 billion by 2010.
'The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that Australian taxpayers' dollars are spent wisely and that our aid is effective. Given this, governance and anti-corruption measures will continue to be key themes of the aid program.
'As demonstrated by the overwhelming response to the tsunami disaster, many Australians are concerned about those in need overseas and are interested in the role Australia is playing in helping developing countries.
'The Australian Government welcomes public input on the direction and priorities of our overseas aid, as we work to improve livelihoods and promote economic growth, prosperity and stability in developing countries in our region.
'Joint teams involving AusAID and external experts are preparing analytical reports on HIV/AIDS, Asia, the Pacific, PNG and Indonesia and will separately consult with partner governments and other key stakeholders both in Australia and overseas,' Mr Billson said.
The Parliamentary Secretary will chair an open forum in Perth at City of Perth Town Hall from 5.30 to 7.30pm on Monday 19 September 2005.
Mr Billson is also chairing a series of seminars in state capitals with invited experts, journalists, community-based organisations, academics and the private sector to seek their input on the future direction of Australia's aid program.
Comments from the Australian public can also be provided through the White Paper e-mail address: Details regarding the White Paper consultation process can be found at on the AusAID website:
The Minister for Foreign Affairs will present the White Paper to Parliament in early 2006.
Media inquiries:
Cameron Hill (Mr Billson's office) 0408 239 521
AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590