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World Health Day - Australia to Fight Regional Health Threats

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Australia will strengthen the regional fight against health threats by
providing a further $1 million to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the
Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mrs Chris Gallus, announced today
on World Health Day.

'SARS and Avian Influenza are a significant threat to Australian health
security and we aim to help combat outbreaks of disease in the Asia Pacific,'
Mrs Gallus said.

'Early identification of epidemics and emerging disease threats is critical.

'Australia will strengthen the operations of the Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network at the WHO's Regional Office in the Philippines,' Mrs Gallus

'A rapid global response involving the mobilisation of technical and
humanitarian assistance is crucial to dealing more effectively with public
health emergencies.

'This initiative will also aim to reduce the impact of health emergencies on
international trade and travel,' Mrs Gallus said.

'The economic impact of SARS in Asia alone was estimated to be between US$30
billion and US$140 billion.

'Fighting natural, accidental and deliberate disease threats all require
strong partnerships at national, regional and global levels.

'In 2003-04 the Australian Government is providing more than $225 million for
health projects to combat communicable and non-communicable diseases in our
region and throughout the developing world,' Mrs Gallus said.

Media contacts:
Shane Fairlie (Mrs Gallus' office) 02 6277 4840 or 0408 680 442
Jo Elsom (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 or 0412 804 489

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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