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Haiti earthquake anniversary: rebuilding a nation


January 12 marks the first anniversary of the massive earthquake that devastated the Caribbean island of Haiti, killing some 250 thousand people and leaving more than one million homeless.

Australia was quick to respond to the disaster, providing $10 million in immediate humanitarian aid and a further $14 million for early recovery and ongoing reconstruction needs.

The Australian public also responded generously to the tragedy, donating $26 million to fundraising appeals launched by Australian NGOs to assist Haiti.

On 17 December 2010, the Secretary General of the Caribbean Community, Sir Edwin Carrington, said it was "particularly reassuring and indeed heartening" that Australia was among the few countries which had acted on its commitment to Haiti by rapidly disbursing the funds it pledged. The Australian Government has already delivered 95 per cent of funding and the remaining amount has been allocated to receiving agencies.

Director General of AusAID, Mr Peter Baxter, who attended the meeting, said CARICOM had provided effective assistance and coordination of the efforts to improve the situation for the people of Haiti.

Australia's funding was delivered through agencies with experience and established partner organisations in Haiti, including:

  • the United Nations World Food Programme
  • the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • the United Nations Office of Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs,
  • the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
  • Australian non-government organisations.
  • The United Nations Development Program's Cash for Work Program, which is creating employment for 95,700 Haitians
  • The Haiti Reconstruction Fund (HRF), a central fund managed by the World Bank, which is being used to meet priority needs

Australia also delivered $750,000 to CARICOM to enable it to sustain relief operations in Haiti and, in a joint initiative with Brazil, is supporting a community-based water supply project to assist families affected by the earthquake.

Australia also responded quickly to the cholera outbreak in Haiti by contributing $1 million to the United Nations Haiti Cholera Appeal to provide medical treatment to help curb the spread of disease.

Australia's contribution is being channelled through the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which is providing clean water, water purification tablets, hygiene kits and other essential life-saving supplies to communities in Haiti.

One year on, Haiti is still in the early stages of recovery from the earthquake but Australians can feel proud that our assistance – delivered by the Government and NGOs on behalf of the Australian public – is reaching those who need it most.

More information

Australia's response to the Haiti earthquake

Australian development assistance to the Caribbean

Plan Australia - Haiti: One Year On (external site)

Last Updated: 12 August 2013
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