Development assistance in Tonga

Our assistance to the Ministry of Health includes supporting health system reform to strengthen primary health care and health promotion services, as well as delivery of the Package of Essential Health Services. Our support to civil society and community health is supporting the fight against non-communicable diseases.
Australia continues to provide support to the government of Tonga through multilateral and regional initiatives, including Partnerships for a Healthy Region.
Tonga Health Systems Support Program Phase 3
$8 million, 2023-2026
Australia has a twenty-year commitment to Tonga’s health sector through the Tonga Health Systems Support Program (THSSP), which commenced in 2009. THSSP3 is the third phase of this investment and is implemented in partnership with the Tongan Ministry of Health and Tonga Health Promotion Foundation.
The overarching program objective is to support the Government of Tonga to reduce the health and economic burden of non-communicable disease in Tonga, while being more resilient to health security threats, natural disasters, and climate change. The Program aims to strengthen the health system, improve service delivery, and contribute to reducing the burden of NCDs through community empowerment and a multisectoral approach.
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Tonga Australia Support Platform (TASP)
Up to $25 million, 2021- 2026
The Tonga-Australia Support Platform is a multi-sector development platform that supports the delivery of skills, health, economic governance, and gender equality investments. TASP deploys technical advisers, provides logistics and procurement support, and manages grants on behalf of DFAT in Tonga.