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Development assistance in Tonga

Flag of Tonga

Australia’s development partnership with Tonga

2025-26 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$27.1 million

2025-26 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$69.7 million

2024-25 bilateral allocation [budget estimate]

$22.1 million

2024-25 total Australian ODA [budget estimate]

$44.9 million

2023-24 total Australian ODA [actual]

$112.8 million

Australia's Official Development Assistance: Statistical Summary provides further details on ODA actuals and estimates.

Australia and Tonga are working together to support a shared vision of a prosperous and stable Tonga, committed to inclusive economic recovery following the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami, COVID-19 pandemic and global inflationary pressures.

Our work to strengthen the national health system, build critical infrastructure, support economic and public sector reform, facilitate skills development and labour mobility is contributing to resilience and recovery. We continue to place a priority on women’s empowerment and leadership, disability inclusion and the protection of the most vulnerable.

We are designing the new Tonga Development Partnership Plan (DPP) to set out development priorities for 2024-2029 in line with the International Development Policy. The Tonga DPP presents a long-term vision for how our development program will meet the critical needs of our partners while also supporting Australia's national interests and the interests we share with our region. The Tonga DPP will be prepared in consultation with government and non-government stakeholders in Tonga and Australia.

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