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International anti-corruption efforts

Global corruption is far-reaching and deeply damaging. It undermines efforts against poverty and disease and facilitates serious transnational crimes. Corruption also harms investment and economic growth.

Australia is a party to a number of international instruments aimed at combating corruption:

  • the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)
  • the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UNTOC)
  • the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (the Anti-Bribery Convention).

In addition, Australia is engaged in the following regional and international forums and initiatives:

  • G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group
  • OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions
  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Anti-Corruption and Transparency Experts Working Group
  • Asian Development Bank OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for the Asia Pacific

More information

The Attorney-General’s Department Counter Fraud and Anti-Corruption website provides further information on these forums and initiatives.

Australia’s development assistance to strengthen governance, including anti-corruption programs.

Australia’s thematic autonomous sanctions regime for serious corruption.

Anti-corruption and bribery

The Australian Government supports ethical business practices, and the prosecution of those who engage in illegal practices. This helps to improve Australia's investment opportunities overseas and is an important aspect of Australia's global reputation.

The bribery of foreign public officials, whether committed in Australia or by Australians overseas, undermines the reputation of all Australian businesses and impacts negatively on business and government relations.

There are consequences for Australians and Australian companies that engage in corrupt activities while overseas. Australian companies and individuals that bribe officials in foreign countries can be prosecuted both under Australian law and under the laws of foreign countries.

More information

DFAT’s Fraud and corruption control webpage provides information on fraud and corruption control in DFAT.

The Attorney-General's Department website provides further information on the offence of foreign bribery.

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