The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a key international standard-setting organisation which conducts valuable independent analysis and statistics on a range of economic and other policy areas.
The research produced is used to promote policies that improve economic and social wellbeing across the globe.
In addition to its economic intelligence functions, the OECD is above all a forum within which countries can discuss and share national experience, identify best practices and find solutions to common problems.
OECD Member Countries
Australia and the OECD
Australia has been an active member of OECD since 1971 and continues to work with the OECD and OECD members to find solutions to common problems through independent analysis and information sharing.
The OECD Secretary General is Mr Mathias Cormann, former Australian Finance Minister. Mr Cormann commenced in the role on 1 June 2021.
Australia values the OECD's evidence-based economic and social policy analysis across issues including health, education, employment, trade, investment, agriculture, food security, energy, the environment, climate change and development cooperation.
Australia maintains a permanent delegation to the OECD, based in Paris. Australia's delegation includes representation from several Australian Government agencies and is led by Australia's Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the OECD, currently Mr Brendan Pearson.
Australia's permanent delegation to the OECD provides Australia with an important cross-agency platform to collaborate on areas of common interest and exchange information and best practice on emerging policy issues.
Making Connections
Australia supports the OECD's efforts to engage with countries beyond its membership to ensure ongoing influence. The OECD has increased engagement with emerging and developing countries through key partner, regional and country programs.
Australia participates in the OECD Southeast Asia Regional Programme (SEARP). Through this program, the OECD supports policy reforms and regional integration efforts in Southeast Asia.