Information for foreign representatives
Handling suspect mail
- Touch the item
- Immerse in water
- Place in a confined space
- Carry through an office area
Remember! The article may contain hazardous material.
All Australian police services have a protocol and process to deal safely with the article – This may include a police response, bomb team attendance and fire brigade involvement.
- Check with the addressee – was the item expected
- Isolate the item
- Consider evacuation of the premises
- Consider forensic evidence, fingerprints, postmarks etc
- Call police on
- Emergency 000
- Police to attend 131444
- Protection Liaison Officers 02 61316310 (in Canberra) or
- Local police in your state or territory
Threatening mail
- Fold or crease the item
- Handle the item or envelope unnecessarily
- Immerse in water
- Place the item in clean protective covering
- Plastic sleeve
- Envelope
- Crush proof container (document to remain unfolded)
- Identify who has handled the document and note for police
- Call police (as above)
Threatening phone calls
- Argue with the caller
- Don't become angry yourself
- Debate the issue
- Note the nature of the threat
- Record the words used
- Callers name and address
- Background noise
- Accent, angry or sad
- Male or female
- Record the incoming call number if possible (caller ID)
- Note the time and date of call