Australia Awards
For 70 years, Australia has supported educational exchange by investing in international scholarships and short courses for emerging leaders from developing countries. From the Colombo Plan in the 1950s to the current Australia Awards, these enduring programs have aimed to build human capital across the world and increase cooperation with Australians. Over eight years, the Australia Awards Global Tracer Facility (GTF) collected data from alumni of these development scholarships to improve understanding of their outcomes and the overall contribution of Australia’s investment in this area.
The Facility research provided global information for DFAT and Australia Awards stakeholders to understand the long-term outcomes for alumni. From 2016 to 2024, it conducted 40 in-depth studies using quantitative and qualitative data, contributing consistent and comparable insights into the impact of study in Australia on alumni pathways following graduation. See Study results.
DFAT will continue to undertake future research with alumni. If you received an Australia Awards Scholarship, or Fellowship, or any of the preceding awards–Australian Development Scholarship, Australian Leadership Award, Australian Partnership Scholarship, a Colombo Plan Scholarship or similar–you may be contacted by researchers to participate in future research activities, including to update contact details.
Study results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 1 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 2 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 3 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 4 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 5 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 6 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 7 Results
- Global Tracer Facility Year 8 Results