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Australia now

Questacon Science Circus Tour Japan 2018

Strengthening relationships between Australia and Japan through partnerships in science communication

Science communicators wearing colourful jackets and conducting an experiement
Photo by Questacon Science Communicators

As part of Australia now 2018, Questacon takes its Science Circus outreach program to western Japan. The five-week tour involves 30 portable and interactive science exhibits with presenters delivering engaging and educational science shows for students, and free public exhibitions for families and community groups.

Science and innovation are built on collaboration and the Science Circus Tour is a great example of Australian and Japanese science communicators effectively working together in partnership to develop and deliver science shows. It helps improve science learning for children and get more people engaged with science–a key priority for both our countries.

The tour is set to visit a number of Japanese science museums and schools, including Osaka Science Museum, Nara University High School, Nara City Hall, Nagoya City Science Museum, and the Kochi Mirai Science Centre.

The tour marks the longstanding relationship between Australia and Japan and the 30th anniversary of Questacon, founded as a joint bicentenary project between the Australian Government and the Japanese Government and business community.

The Science Circus Tour Japan 2018 is supported through the Australia-Japan Foundation in partnership with Osaka Science Museum and the Centre for Public Awareness of Science at the Australian National University.

Last Updated: 13 July 2018
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