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Cyber affairs

Showcasing Australia’s cyber security industry in the United States

Image of Panel disscussion.
Ambassador Feakin moderating a panel discussion on cyber security at Australia House during the RSA Conference in San Francisco. Photo credit: AustCyber

Over 40 delegates travelled to the USA to showcase Australia's cyber security industry in New York, Washington DC and San Francisco. Led by the Ambassador for Cyber Affairs, Tobias Feakin, the 2019 Australian Cyber Security Mission to the USA offered participants a chance to meet with US cyber security firms, investors and customers, as well as the opportunity to pitch, network and engage with local and international industry.

The Mission is a partnership between Austrade, AustCyber, state and territory governments, industry and research institutes. This year, the San Francisco leg was scheduled to coincide with the RSA Conference, the world's leading information security conference, which offered Australian cyber security firms unparalleled access and exposure.

During the RSA Conference, Australia's Ambassador for Cyber Affairs reinforced the importance of an open, free and secure internet to his international counterparts and industry representatives through speeches, panels and bilateral meetings.

Australia's International Cyber Engagement Strategy recognises the importance of supporting our domestic industry and undertakes to showcase Australia's cyber security capabilities to international customers and investor.

Last Updated: 18 March 2019
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