The third round of IA-CEPA negotiations was hosted by Indonesia in Yogyakarta from 2-4 May 2016. The Australian delegation was led by Ms Frances Lisson and the Indonesian delegation was led by Mr Deddy Saleh. The third round of negotiations followed the 16 March Ministerial meeting between Indonesian Minister for Trade Lembong and Australian Minister for Trade and Investment Ciobo in Canberra when they announced their joint commitment to re-activate IA-CEPA negotiations.
Chief Negotiators reiterated the priority both Indonesia and Australia accord to completing an ambitious IA-CEPA as soon as possible and agreed a forward work program. The negotiators discussed respective approaches to goods, services and investment. Cross-cutting issues including e-commerce and competition policy were also raised. Australia and Indonesia agreed that IA-CEPA would be as easy-to-use and trade facilitative as possible.
The next round of negotiations is tentatively scheduled to take place in Australia in August 2016.
The Indonesia-Australia Business Partnership Group continues to consult with industry in both Australia and Indonesia and will present their findings in a report to negotiators in July 2016. DFAT continues to seek submissions from interested individuals and businesses to inform the negotiations going forward. Please see the submissions section below for information about how to get in touch.