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Brazil – Australia Dialogue

Sao Paulo

20- 21 March 2013

In 2012, the President of Brazil, Her Excellency, Dilma Rousseff and Prime Minister of Australia, Her Excellency, the Hon Julia Gillard MP agreed to elevate the Brazil-Australia relationship to the level of a strategic partnership. In accordance with this strengthening bilateral relationship, the Brazilian and Australian governments agreed that as major exporters of agricultural products, minerals and energy, both countries have much in common and much to gain through closer economic and cultural links. It is therefore timely that this Dialogue will highlight the key challenges that are of critical importance to this bilateral relationship and identify areas where collaboration will deliver mutually beneficial economic and societal outcomes.


Thursday 21 March
8:30-9:20 Opening Plenary

This session will provide an overview of the current state of the Australia-Brazil relationship.
  • Professor João Grandino Rodas, Rector, The University of Sao Paulo
  • H.E. Mr Brett Hackett, Australian Ambassador to Brazil
  • Professor Glyn Davis AC, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Melbourne
  • Ambassador Fernando de Mello Baretto, Regional Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sao Paulo (former Brazilian Ambassador to Australia)
  • Ronaldo Veirano , Honorary Consul of Australia to Rio de Janeiro
Brazil and Australia on the Global Stage
Global Dialogue
Liveable Cities, Sustainable Lives
Research Collaboration Dialogue
9:30-10:30 Global Session 1: G20 and the International Economy

Part 1

Australia, Brazil and the G20: Evolving Global Architecture

This session will examine the role of Australia and Brazil in the global economy and global governance. It will focus on the changes already in train in global architecture, the role of the G20 in global governance, and the importance of G20 outreach to other countries and civil society.
Research Session 1: Research in Brazil and Australia

This session aims to foster mutual awareness of research priorities, strategies and funding in both Australia and Brazil. Where do the shared challenges and opportunities exist? What are the challenges in engaging in joint research activities? How we do we overcome them?
10:30-11:00 Morning Tea
11:00-12:45 Part 2
1100 – 1200 pm Managing pressure points in the global economy: trade, financial security, energy security and food security

This session will look at the role of Australia, Brazil and the G20 in resolving the pressure points on the global economy, including the ongoing crisis in Europe. Participants will discuss how to build consensus around trade reform, the G20's role in promoting open trade and investment, and Australia and Brazil's roles in ensuring global food and energy security.
Part 3
1200 – 1245 pm Future agendas, and catalysing the private sector

This session will review the future G20 agenda, with particular focus on the actions and reforms needed to catalyse private sector growth.
Research Session 2: Designing healthy, sustainable and liveable cities
Australia and Brazil both recognise that with economic prosperity and growth comes a number of challenges. Meeting these challenges also provides opportunity for global leadership on issues impacting our major cities and the health of their people. In this session, speakers from the University of Melbourne and Sao Paulo will discuss the challenges facing urban centres in both Australia and Brazil and identify opportunities to share expertise that will inform efforts to address the sustainability and liveability of cities in both countries.
12:45-13:45 LUNCH
13:45-15:00 Strategic Session 2: Commodities Australia, Brazil and the Commodities Boom

This session will examine the regulatory environments in Australia and Brazil and the policy options for responding to the opportunities and challenges of external and market factors. It will explore opportunities for cooperation between Australia and Brazil on the commodities agenda.
Research Session 3: Agriculture and Food Security

As agreed by the Australian and Brazilian governments, geographic distance matters less than the shared values and interests of both countries. Both countries share a rich history with respect to the role of their agricultural industries on development of their rural communities and national economies. This session will explore the increasingly critical role of science in the ongoing development of this sector and its likely impact on food security from both national and global perspectives.
15:00-15:30 Afternoon Tea
15:30-17:00 Strategic Session 3: The Rise of Asia
1530 – 1700 pm Australia, Brazil and the Rise of Asia

This session will explore the strategic and economic implications of the Rise of Asia. It will also provide an opportunity for participants to compare and contrast Australian and Brazilian experiences with key Asian countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Japan and Korea. The session will also review Australia's recently released white paper 'Australia in the Asian Century.'
15:30- 16:30 Research Session 4: Clean Energy and our Natural Resources
Australia and Brazil have benefited from the rapid pace of globalisation, rise in energy demand and need to secure access to critical natural resources. As a result, the interests and challenges facing both countries align now more intensely than ever before. This session will address how these shared challenges will require cooperation across research disciplines to develop the renewable energy, oil and gas and mining sectors in both countries.
16:30 - 17:00 Research Session 5: Conclusions

This session will provide participants of each research cluster to regroup and share the summaries of their discussions,

Translating and applying research

Taking action for future collaboration

Catalysts/ frameworks for cross-sector collaboration
17:10-18:00 Wrap up and conclusion

This session will provide participants with the opportunity to share their suggestions for how to enhance the bilateral relationship. NB: This session will involve participants from the Global and Research Dialogues
Last Updated: 20 March 2013
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