2016 ACDGP grantees
Project summary
Sector: Arts and Culture
Art form or genre: Theatre, Music, Other: Installation
Country location: China
Grantee: Chamber Made Opera
Project Description
Chamber Made Opera was established in 1988 and is committed to the creation and presentation of new Australian performance works that investigate how music, performance and design can converge. Teahouse Sanctuary (now titled: Between 8 and 9) is a performance installation work for voices, electronics, instruments and audience, with lazy susans. It was created and presented by Chamber Made Opera in collaboration with artists from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and was co-presented by Melbourne Recital Centre and Castlemaine State Festival as part of (in association with) Asia TOPA.
Between 8 and 9 probes questions of the familiar and the other. A meeting is called. A negotiation is required. Who is at the table and how are gaps in culture, age, gender and experience navigated? Seated around eight tables, the audience is placed within this negotiation, to witness a series of unorthodox encounters via music, text, sound and visual material. From the provocative to the playful, the event will be çé¹ (rè nà o) ('hot and lively'). Eight Chinese, Australian and Chinese-Australian vocalists and instrumentalists deliver eight musical movements, each exploring the frictions and frissons that lie between our personal, public and professional selves.
Social media accounts: http://www.chambermadeopera.com/, https://www.facebook.com/ChamberMadeOpera/, https://vimeo.com/chambermadeopera/, https://twitter.com/chambermadeoper, https://www.flickr.com/photos/chamber_made_opera/
Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program grant offer: $13,000 plus $1,300 GST
Australia-China Council grant offer: $30,000 plus $3,000 GST
Total project value: $463,906.00