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Public diplomacy

DFAT International Media Visits (IMV) Program

International Media Visits (IMV) are an important public diplomacy tool that provides influential foreign journalists the opportunity to increase their understanding of contemporary Australia through a short visit.

The program supports Australia's diplomatic, trade and development priorities by advocating Australia's international policy agenda and showcasing Australian expertise and opportunities for collaboration.

The aim of the visit is to generate accurate and informed overseas media reporting by promoting a contemporary and balanced view of Australia.

An Argentine journalist captures her own reflection at SBS, Sydney. Credit: Lauren Hernandez, DFAT.
A Singaporean journalist, Ravi Velloor, listens to the story of a family who has benefited from Australian cochlear implant technology. Credit: Lauren Hernandez, DFAT.

Elizabeth O'Neill Journalism Award

The Elizabeth O'Neill Journalism Award commemorates the distinguished career of Elizabeth O'Neill OAM who died in service of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Indonesia on 7 March 2007. The Award builds on her tireless work to foster mutual understanding of Australia and Indonesia through accurate and informed media coverage.

Each year, the award is granted to one journalist from Australia and one from Indonesia and is open to journalists from print, radio, television and online media organisations. Awardees spend up to three weeks in Australia/Indonesia to build a stronger understanding and appreciation of the broad range of issues facing the countries.

The program is tailored to the journalist's area of expertise and can cover areas such as foreign and trade policy, development assistance and education. The program includes a stay in the country's capital (Jakarta/Canberra).

John Doherty Asia Pacific Journalism Internship

John Doherty was one of the founders of ABC Asia Pacific in 2001. He died on 29 December 2004 after a short illness. His tireless work in advocating ABC Asia Pacific to promote Australia and our values and characteristics throughout the region is remembered through this Award.

The internship aims to develop relationships, build skills in our region's media, and provide opportunities to report on aspects of contemporary Australia. The John Doherty Award is offered to one journalist each year from Asia or the Pacific. Awardees spend up to two weeks in Australia completing an internship with ABC and travelling for interviews and meetings.

The internship enables journalists to build relationships with Australian-based professionals and institutions and provides opportunities to report on aspects of contemporary Australia. It also helps to further develop their journalism and communication skills and encourage the broader awareness of technology and new media within a modern broadcasting environment.

Douglas Gabb Australia Pacific Journalism Internship

The Douglas Gabb Australia Pacific Journalism Internship was established in memory of Douglas Gabb a senior broadcaster with Radio Australia for nearly 20 years and a well known radio identity in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. His popular program 'Mama Graon' on agriculture and the environment was widely listened to and contributed to the regional development in the Pidgin-speaking areas where it was broadcast.

The internship is offered jointly by DFAT and ABC Radio Australia and demonstrates Australia's ongoing commitment to engagement and support with our Pacific neighbours. Radio Australia plays a key role in connecting Australia and the Pacific. Its transmissions provide a broader level of interaction across the Pacific than is often available locally.

The internship supports two journalists to take part in a two week internship attachment with Radio Australia. Awardees build skills in new media and technology and develop lasting relationships with people and institutions in Australia.

PNG journalist Korok Talakam visits ABC in Melbourne during his internship with ABC. Credit: ABC Melbourne.
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