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The Foreign Correspondent Study Tour (FCST)

Project Summary

  • Sector: Communications, Information, Media and Advocacy
  • Country location: Tunisia
  • Grantee: University of Technology Sydney
Two people taking a photo of a man sitting in a sandy cave.
CAAR media interns interviewing camel jockeys in Wadi Rum in Jordan during the 2017 FCST iteration. Credit: Saba Bebawi.

Project description

The Foreign Correspondent Study Tour (FCST) is about changing perceptions of the Arab world to Australian and global audiences. Through a renewed and ongoing exclusive partnership with SBS Online (and now extended to SBS News), UTS journalism students will report on multimedia stories whilst on the study tour to be published on SBS. The FCST is a project that was launched in 2015 and is designed to offer students the opportunity to file news stories on the ground with real deadlines to an Australian media organisation, in order to emulate a 'foreign correspondent' experience. Such an experience can only be achieved by exposing students to an international study experience outside the classroom. In turn, this study tour provides them with the tools to do journalism within another culture; in addition to a practical application of the conceptual frameworks students have studied as part of their degree.

Key dates

  • Selection of FCST CAAR interns: UTS 20 Mar 2019
  • Study Tour: Dates TBC
  • Council for Australian-Arab Relations grant offer: $30,000
  • Total project value: $30,000

Last Updated: 7 September 2018
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