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(UPDATED) Investment concept and design documentation for Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable Sustainable Services (ACCESS)

(Formerly known as the Cambodia Vulnerable Peoples Support Program)

The Investment Concept Note and the final Design for a proposed new program – Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable Sustainable Services (ACCESS) – is provided for the information of the market and prospective tenders.

Australia is the leading donor in both the Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW) and disability sectors in Cambodia. The contribution is through two separate programs–Disability Rights Initiative Cambodia (DRIC) and EVAW program. The completion dates of these two investments are in August 2017 (EVAW Program) and May 2018 (DRIC).

ACCESS was designed as a five-year program (2018-2023) with the proposed budget of AUD25 million (three year program with an optional extension for two years).

The overall goal of ACCESS is to improve sustainability of quality, inclusive services for people with a disability and for women affected by Gender-Based Violence (GBV). ACCESS will pursue two outcomes:

1)- Improved budget processes supporting services for persons with disabilities and for women affected by GBV; and

2)- Increased accessibility of quality services for persons with disabilities and for women affected by GBV.

The below final, approved Investment Design Document, is also posted on the AusTender website with the Request for Tender on 22 January 2018.

Investment Concept Note

Draft Design (for stakeholder consultation)

This draft design document is now superseded by the second draft below.

Second draft

Executive Summary (Khmer)

Final Design

Last Updated: 22 January 2018
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