Business opportunities
The New Australian Volunteers Design: Preliminary Design Draft was published on this web-site on 7 June to allow market feedback regarding the proposed approach to the redevelopment and to maximize value for money. Feedback and ideas on the proposed direction and approach for the new program have been valuable as DFAT finalise the design for the new program. Attached for the information of the market and prospective tenderers is a document outlining the key issues and observations from the feedback provided.
The final design for this proposed program will be published on this website. Any procurement will be listed on the AusTender website if it is released to market.
- New Australian Volunteers Program: Summary of Australia based Design Consultations [PDF 567 KB]
- New Australian Volunteers Program: Summary of Australia based Design Consultations [Word 131 KB]
This information is provided for planning purposes only and it does not represent solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment to purchase or tender for any described services. The scale, scope and focus of any proposed program may change at any time and is subject to formal approval by the Australian Government before any procurement process will commence. Should a procurement commence, we anticipate commencing in October 2016. This information is subject to delays, revision or cancellations.