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Australia-Indonesia Institute Annual Report 2002-2003


The Australia–Indonesia Institute supports and initiates activities consistent with its goals and on the basis of a strategic program set by the Board.

The policy of the Institute is to target groups and individuals in Australia and Indonesia who have an interest in a future relationship of substance with the other country, including through the enhancement of institutional links. Such linkages are encouraged by the Institute through seed funding of projects, which may have the involvement and funding of other parties to ensure the projects will be viable.

The Institute receives its program funding from the Australian Government in the form of an annual grant-in-trust administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Institute received new program funding in 2001–02 of $900,000.

The total value of activities which received Institute funding was far greater than the amount of Institute funding, as most of the activities involved substantial joint funding and in-kind support from other organisations and individuals in both countries.

The Board considered 101 applications for funding during 2001–02 and provided funding for 36 projects.

Funding application process

The Institute’s competitive funding application process is set out on the AII’s website.

The Institute particularly welcomes innovative projects that continue to advance the aims and objectives of the Institute beyond the term of Institute funding, and therefore provide significant continuing benefits from what is often a modest initial outlay.

All applications are made using standard documents and are assessed by a standard appraisal procedure, helping to ensure consistency and equity in Institute funding decisions.

The Board attaches a number of conditions to its funding, including that all applications are assessed against the following guidelines:

  1. The project should be an initiative of relevance to the AII’s aim of promoting a growing and deepening relationship between Australia and Indonesia. Such initiatives may promote new areas of contact between Australia and Indonesia or may serve to build on or develop existing contacts. Priority is given to projects involving young people.
  2. The project should have a clearly defined benefit in terms of the AII’s goals and objectives.
  3. Provision should be made in the application for publicity or promotion of the project.
  4. Projects that involve Indonesian experience of Australia and the relation of that experience to a wide audience in Indonesia are particularly desirable.
  5. When projects supported by the AII involve an organisation in Indonesia, applicants must demonstrate that sufficient matching funds from the Indonesian counterpart organisation are available to allow for the successful completion of the project. Matching funds may include accommodation and other services provided without charge by host institutions.
  6. Wherever possible, AII support should constitute seeding funds intended to encourage financial support from others, including corporate sponsors. The AII may decide to award grants conditional on funding being raised from other sources.
  7. The project should wherever possible establish prospects for independently funded activity as a result of initial AII funding.
  8. The applicant should preferably have an established record of achievement.

The Board generally meets three times each year to consider applications for funding. It is the responsibility of funding applicants to ensure, by consultation with the Secretariat, that applications are received by the Institute well before the respective Board meeting.

A summary of the principal AII-funded activities follows in respect of each Institute funding program.

Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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