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Australia–India Council Annual Report 2000–2001

Funding application process

The Australia–India Council's competitive funding application process enables the initiative and enthusiasm of a wide range of individuals and organisations to be encouraged and supported in furthering the Council's objectives of broadening and deepening the Australia–India relationship. The competitive process has also helped to identify areas worthy of more systematic or long-term Council involvement.

The Council particularly welcomes innovative projects that continue to advance the aims and objectives of the Council beyond the term of Council funding, and therefore provide significant continuing benefits from what is often a modest initial outlay.

All applications are made using standard documents and are assessed by a standard appraisal procedure, helping to ensure consistency and equity in Council funding decisions.

The Council attaches a number of conditions to its funding, including that all applications be assessed against the following guidelines:

  • individuals or organisations applying for funding should have a substantial record of achievement in the proposed field of activity–in other words, the Council looks for reputable 'stakeholders' in Australia in the field in which funding is sought

  • the activity should be a worthwhile initiative with clearly defined outcomes that will promote a broader and deeper relationship between Australia and India

  • wherever possible, AIC funding should be accompanied by partnership support from other sources, whether funding or in-kind

  • activities should preferably offer prospects of future independent activity following initial AIC funding, so that the AIC contribution acts as 'seed' funding

  • provision should be made for publicity or promotion of the activity, including appropriate acknowledgment of Council support

  • the Council encourages 'stakeholders' in India to identify an appropriate counterpart in Australia to seek funding on their behalf.

The Council generally meets three or four times each year to consider applications for AIC funding. It is the responsibility of funding applicants to ensure, by consultation with the AIC Secretariat, that applications are received by the Council well before the respective Council meeting.

A summary of the principal AIC-funded activities, both Council-initiated and in response to funding applications from individuals and other organisations working to advance the Australia–India relationship, follows in respect of each Council funding program.

Australia–India Council Annual Report 2000–2001

Next: Arts


Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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