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Australia India Council Annual Report 1999–2000


Australia–India Council Trust Account Financial Statements 1999–2000

Program expenditure ($)
Australian studies
Prof Bruce Bennett, Australian Defence Force Academy: Australian studies strategy, stage 2 14 200
Dr Philip Mead, University of Tasmania: participation of Dr Anurag Sharma, Dayanand College, Ajmer, in conference of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, Hobart, and visits to Australian studies facilities in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney, July 2000 5 905
Dr Paul Sharrad, University of Wollongong: visit to Australia by Prof Eugenie Pinto, University of Madras, to develop curriculum materials and Australian studies links 3 000
Dr Cynthia vanden Driesen, Edith Cowan University: Australian studies conference, Mysore, 2000 5 237
Ms Judith Rodriguez, Deakin University: teaching Australian studies, University of Madras, Jan–Feb 2000 5 000
Ms Lee Cataldi: reimbursement of cost of Australian studies books for University of Madras 764
Australian Centre, University of Melbourne: freight costs for Australian studies books for University of Madras 150
Purchase of copies of Oxford Literary History of Australia for Indian universities 699
University Co-operative Bookshop Ltd: purchase of book for Institute of Commonwealth and American Studies and English Language, Mysore 18
Subtotal 34 973
Australia South Asia Research Centre, Australian National University: Second Generation Economic Reform in India conference, Chennai, November 1999 30 000
Australia South Asia Research Centre, Australian National University: publication of 1999 K R Narayanan Oration 5 000
Australia–India Business Council: Australia–India Business Exchange Program, 2000–2001 33 000
Australia–India Business Council: balance of funding for Australia–India Business Exchange Program, 1999–2000 17 720
Asian Agribusiness Research Centre, Orange NSW:working visit of Professor Vasant Gandhi, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, April–June 2000 4 900
Subtotal 90 620
Asia Education Foundation: Australia–India and India–Australia teacher exchange program, 1999–2000 40 000
Subtotal 40 000
Indian studies
South Asian Studies Association (SASA): participation of Dr L Subramaniam, Calcutta University, in SASA conference, Melbourne, July 2000 4 052
Sydney Writers’ Festival: participation of Mr Pankaj Mishra, May 2000 2 659
National Centre for South Asian Studies: Honours and Postgraduate Workshop, Melbourne, July 2000 15 215
Subtotal 21 926
Institutional and professional links
Mr Brian Hayes QC, International Environment Legislation Consultants: workshop on court dispute resolution in environmental law, ILS Law College, Pune, January 2000 23 000
International Legal Services Advisory Council: visit of Indian Attorney-General Mr Soli Sorabjee to Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney, May 2000 15 013
Indian Ocean Centre, Curtin University: visit of Dr Kalpana Desai, Director, Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai, to Perth, Adelaide, Sydney and Canberra, May–June 2000 7 238
Mr Vinod Daniel, Australian Museum, Sydney: Conservation advisory visits to Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai, 2000 12 200
Mr Nana Laxman, India Trade Centre, Melbourne: visit to Melbourne of Dr Kiran Bedi, November 1999 3 000
Mr Anthony McKenzie, University of Sydney, Orange NSW: participation in professional development workshop at Stella Maris College, Chennai, August 2000 3 000
Subtotal 63 451
Performing and visual arts
Mr Anthony Bourke (representing consortium including National Gallery of Australia, National Museum of Australia and Australian National University): Australia–India Indigenous artists exchange and exhibition, New Delhi, November–December 1999 74 346
Australian High Commission, New Delhi: second stage of Portraying a Nation exhibition by photographer Mr Satish Sharma, Bangalore, Chennai, Calcutta, Mumbai, Calcutta, September 1999–February 2000 9 564
Mr Karl Wiebke, Perth WA: visual arts residency and exhibition, New Delhi, October–November 1999 5 000
Ms Helen Geier, Braidwood NSW: visual arts residency and exhibition, New Delhi, Chennai and Calcutta, February–May 2000 5 000
National Institute of Dramatic Art, Sydney: visit of Mr A N Roy of National Drama School, New Delhi, September–October 1999 2 100
Nataraj Cultural Centre: Australian concert tour of Dr L Subramaniam, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, February–March 2000 3 000
Mr David Fishel, Positive Solutions, Brisbane: participation in arts management planning workshop, Sanskriti Institute, New Delhi, January 2000 3 500
Mr William Gillespie, WA Academy of Performing Arts: participation in arts management planning workshop, Sanskriti Institute, New Delhi, 2000 3 350
Mr Robert Bednarik, Australian Rock Art Research Association: participation of Dr K Chakravarty and Dr G Kumar in Rock Art Congress, Alice Springs, July 2000 6 424
Mr Adrian Sever, Canberra: travel costs for representation of AIC at meeting to select Asialink visual arts residents, Melbourne, September 1999 576
National Gallery of Australia: purchase of nine copies of Vision of Kings catalogue 222
Subtotal 113 082
Print and electronic media and film
The Asialink Centre, University of Melbourne: Medialink news media exchanges, Australia and India, 2000 28 000
Australian Film, Television and Radio School: supplementary funding for curriculum development visit by Assoc Prof John Carroll to Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, January–February 1999 1 531
Australian Film, Television and Radio School: curriculum development visits by Assoc Prof John Carroll and Ms Maree Delofski to Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, February 2000 8 235
Ms Kay Rasool, Sydney: participation in Mumbai International Film Festival, February 2000 1 600
Subtotal 39 366
Public awareness
Brown & Wilton Pty Ltd: production and distribution costs of 1998–99 AIC Annual Report 7 155
Australia–India Business Council: costs of production of 2000–2001 Australia–India Focus newsletter 16 500
Subtotal 23 655
Science and technology
Dr Gordon Whyte, Goulburn Valley Health Service: keynote speech to Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology, Lucknow, and advice to Rajkot Blood Service, November 1999 7 750
Dr Jacqueline Upcroft, Queensland Institute of Medical Research: visit of Dr R Sehgal, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, for parasite resistance collaboration, Brisbane, October 1999–December 2000 18 450
Dr S Bandyopadhyay, University of NSW: participation of Prof M K Banerjee, University of Calcutta, in composite materials conference and collaboration, Sydney, 2000 2 000
Australian Centre for Mining Environmental Research: preliminary costs for visit of Indian mining industry personnel to Australia to study sustainable mining practices, 2000–2001 10 000
Assoc Prof C McCarty, Centre for Eye Research Australia: collaboration with L V Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, September–December 2000 8 670
Mr Paul Deany, Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research: partnerships with Indian community HIV prevention agencies, Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta and New Delhi, August 2000–August 2001 20 000
Assoc Prof Mohan Singh, University of Melbourne: Plant biotechnology collaboration with International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi, July 2000–June 2001 12 800
Dr James Young, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Adelaide: participation in Golden Jubilee, Christian Medical College, Vellore, August 2000 2 670
Prof Guy Maddern, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide: participation in Golden Jubilee, Christian Medical College, Vellore, August 2000 2 500
Subtotal 84 840
Australian Sports Commission: sports coaching and management workshop with Indian National Sports Authority, 2000 38 170
Australian Cricket Board: redesign and production of Border–Gavaskar test cricket trophy 5 000
Australian Cricket Board: scholarships for three Indian cricketers to Commonwealth Bank Cricket Academy, Adelaide, 2000 18 000
Subtotal 61 170
New Delhi
Australian High Commission New Delhi: discretionary funding for support of AIC programs, July 1999–June 2000 19 730
Total program expenditure 592 813
Meetings and administration expenditure
Meeting costs and general services
Fares 96 483
Travel allowance 35 662
Sitting fees 32 369
Meeting expenses 5 633
Cabcharge 4 197
Secretariat travel 23 586
Printing, stationery 1 494
Freight charges 1 768
Hospitality 2 603
Renewal of registration of AIC trade mark 300
Incidentals 273
Subtotal 204 368
New Delhi
Australian High Commission New Delhi: salary and associated costs for locally engaged staff, July 1999–June 2000 17 762
Total administration expenditure 222 130
Total expenditure 814 943
Summary of Trust Account receipts and expenditure 1999–2000
Balance in Trust Account as at 1 July 1999 37 342
1999–2000 appropriation 750 000
Refunds of expenditure 86 783
Total receipts 874 125
Projects and grants 592 813
Administration including New Delhi salary and associated costs 222 130
Total expenditure 814 943
Balance in Trust Account as at 30 June 2000 59 182
The AIC Trust Account was reconciled by the Programs, Coordination and Management Section, South and South East Asia Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on a monthly and annual basis, in addition to periodic reviews by the Department’s Evaluation and Audit Section and the Australian National Audit Office.

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Last Updated: 24 September 2014
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