Policies and Procedures for the Management of DFAT International Relations Grants Program
Text description of the Board appointments flowchart
Text Description of the Board appointments flowchart
Step one:
Secretariat short-lists nominees (in consultation with Ambassador for Women & Girls) and drafts a Minute to the Secretary (through ex-officio) for approval
Step two:
Secretariat drafts min sub enclosing short list of nominees (including short CVs) and sends to Minister's office
Step three:
Minister indicates his order of preference to approach short listed nominees
Step four:
Secretariat approaches Minister's preferred candidates and determines their willingness/availability to serve on Board
Step 5 - Appointing Authority:
Minister, Prime Minister/Cabinet or Governor-General
If Appointing Authority is Minister:
- Secretariat drafts min sub, including letters of appointment and letters of thanks to outgoing Board members (where appropriate)
- Minister signs letters of appointment and letters of thanks to outgoing Board members (where appropriate) and returns to Secretariat
- Then step 6
If Appointing Authority is Prime Minister/Cabinet:
- Secretariat sends Private Interests Declaration forms to nominees and receives signed copies in return
- Secretariat drafts min sub, including:
- letter for signature from the Minister to the PM/Cabinet
- Appointment for Cabinet pro forma
- CVs
- Signed Private Interests Declaration forms
- Current Board membership list in approved Cabinet format
- Cabinet approves the nominees and provides Secretariat with Minute number
- Secretariat drafts min sub quoting Cabinet Minute number including letters of appointment and letters of thanks to out going Board members (where appropriate)
- Minister signs letters of appointments and
- letters of thanks to outgoing Board members
- (where appropriate) and returns to Secretariat
- Then step 6
If Appointing Authority is Governor-General:
- Secretariat sends Private Interests Declaration forms to nominees and receives signed copies in return
- Secretariat drafts min sub, including:
- letter for signature from the Minister to the PM/Cabinet
- Appointment for Cabinet pro forma
- CVs
- Signed Private Interests Declaration forms
- Current Board membership list in approved Cabinet format
- Cabinet approves the nominees and provides Secretariat with Minute number
- Secretariat drafts min sub quoting Cabinet Minute number including:
- Minute for Exco (to be signed by Minister)
- Instrument of Appointment (to be signed by Minister)
- explanatory memorandum (to be signed by Minister)
- candidate CVs (to be initialled by Minister in lower right hand corner)
- Minister returns signed and initialled Exco documents to Secretariat
- Secretariat takes originals plus 3 copies of Exco documents, with return self addressed envelope to Exco Secretariat at PM&C
- Governor-General signs documentation at Exco meeting
- Exco returns signed documentation to Secretiat
- Secretariat drafts min sub informing Minister of Exco approval and including letters of appointment for signature and letters of thanks to out going Board members (where appropriate)
- Then step 6
Step 6:
Secretariat sends letters of appointment to successful nominees together with:
- APS Values
- Code of Conduct
- Code of Conduct for Overseas Service
- Private Interests Declaration Form (where this has not already been done)
- IRGP guidelines
- Tax File Declaration form
- Statement By A Supplier form
- DFAT e-commerce form
Step 7:
Newly appointed Board members return completed Private Interests Declaration, Tax File Declaration and e-commerce forms to Secretariat for filing/action with Financial Services Branch
Step 8:
Secretariat sends Tax File Declarations and Minute to Payroll Services Section requesting new members to be set up in payroll system. E-commerce and Statement By A Supplier forms to be sent to FSB to create customer and vendor records for new Board members
Step 9:
Secretariat updates AusGovBoards website