Meet our 2016 grantees
Project summary
Sector: Science, Technology and Innovation
Country location: Australia, Republic of Korea
Grantee: Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation
Project Description
This proposal builds upon the research between CSIRO Land and Water and Korea Institute of Civil engineering and Building Technology (KICT). Our institutions share several parallel research activities that focus around water sensitive urban design, green infrastructure, managed aquifer recharge, low impact development and reuse of urban stormwater. The project will develop innovative options for urban water cycle management using the CSIRO Urban Living Lab development at Ginninderra, ACT as a case study site. A series of workshops will be held for scientific exchange and to allow technology transfer between Korea and Australia.
Key dates:
- Workshop, Canberra, 21 November 2016
- Workshop, Goyang, 20 February 2017
- Workshop, Aderlaide, 21 August 2017
Social media: CSIRO website, facebook and associated accounts managed by communications manager
Australia-Korea Foundation grant offer: $40,000.00
Total project value: $80,000.00