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Australia vs Korea Republic!

Two sporting nations will meet tomorrow for an Asian Cup clash destined to be watched by millions of passionate fans: Australia vs Korea Republic, 17th January, 8pm in Brisbane. Australia and the Republic of Korea have many similarities: both strong players in our region, both committed to democracy, with complementary economies and vibrant cultures and a history of standing side by side against all odds. On Saturday evening, this camaraderie will be demonstrated in - what is forecast to be - a hard fought battle at Brisbane Stadium.

To the delight of fans, matches earlier this week have resulted in both teams passing through to the quarter-finals.

ROK Embassy Counsellor Jeong Woo Jin and John Pilbeam, Director, Korean Peninsula and Mongolia Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in the Canberra Stadium as Korea progresses to the second round of the Asian Cup with a close win over Kuwait.
ROK Embassy Counsellor Jeong Woo Jin and John Pilbeam, Director, Korean Peninsula and Mongolia Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in the Canberra Stadium as Korea progresses to the second round of the Asian Cup with a close win over Kuwait.

Visit the Asian Cup website and choose your language or filter by team.

Visit the facebook site of the Australian Embassy in Seoul

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Last Updated: 19 January 2015
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