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Today I have launched the White Paper on Australia's overseas aid program - Australian Aid: Promoting Growth and Stability.
The White Paper will direct the delivery of Australia's aid over the next 10 years.
By reaching out to the Asia-Pacific region the Australian Government will aim to help millions of people overcome the scourge of poverty and live in peace and prosperity.
Our principal challenge will be to generate and sustain economic growth - in the region which is home to the greatest number of the world's poor.
We will seek to provide a brighter future for people through expanded assistance in education and health.
A major focus will be getting more children into school for longer and for a better quality education.
Through incentives we will encourage countries to improve government performance and will actively support the development of local leaders.
The Australian Scholarships initiative will double the number of education scholarships offered in the Asia-Pacific region through funding of nearly $1.4 billion over the next five years.
Australian Scholarships will bring together Australian Development Scholarships (ADS), managed by Australia's international aid agency, AusAID, and Endeavour scholarships, administered by the Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST).
And we will launch a new type of scholarship, Australian Leadership Awards, to help future leaders of our partner countries develop and maintain links with Australia.
We will work to improve the health of women and children and increase our efforts to tackle major diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
And Australia will spearhead an international effort to roll back malaria in the Pacific.
The provision of infrastructure assets like roads, telecommunications, power and public buildings such as schools and health facilities, will also be a key to poverty reduction.
We will encourage the broader Australian community to offer their skills to the aid program by seeking more partnerships with non-government organisations, professional groups, local government, business and schools.
Australia is already globally recognised for its commitment to overseas aid; in September 2005 we announced our goal of doubling aid to around $4 billion annually by 2010.
However to have an impact, our aid contributions need to be used effectively, so we will establish an Office of Development Effectiveness to monitor the quality of and evaluate Australia's aid programs.
The Office's Review of Development Effectiveness will be published annually and integrated into the Government's budget cycle, and will be particularly important in demonstrating the effective use of Australian taxpayers' money.
And we will untie our aid - as part of our commitment to enhancing competition and gaining better value for money through aid program contracts.
Greater Australian engagement with the region through a more effective aid program will promote regional stability, which is in the national interest.
Media contacts:
Mr Downer's Office: (02) 6277 7500
AusAID (Public Affairs): 0417 680 590