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Australia Combats Human Trafficking Through Indonesian Partnership

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Australia is strengthening its commitment to combating people trafficking in the Asia-Pacific region through a new cooperative partnership with Indonesia.

Following extensive discussions between our two countries, Indonesia has agreed to join the Asia Regional Trafficking in People (ARTIP) initiative, which is administered by Australia's international development agency, AusAID.

ARTIP is a $21 million initiative aimed at stopping people trading in the Asia region.

It is another example of how the Australian Government is using its strong relationships with its neighbours to confront trans-national crime and deliver positive outcomes for our region.

ARTIP was launched in August 2006, initially as a partnership with Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Burma. By joining this initiative, Indonesia will receive assistance from ARTIP to target and prosecute those who support or carry out the trade in people.

Managed through a regional office in Bangkok, ARTIP funding will support the operations of a specialised anti-trafficking unit in Indonesia, regional workshops and a series of technical partnerships with Indonesian criminal-justice personnel.

Indonesia will benefit from the strengthening of its criminal justice system, enhanced legislation and the improved capacity of the judiciary to stamp out and deter this type of trans-national criminal activity.

ARTIP focuses on achieving more arrests and successful prosecutions. It will also support Indonesia to develop cooperative agreements with other ASEAN countries ensuring that information exchange and integrated law enforcement across the region is reinforced.

ARTIP is expected to run until 2011, and may be extended to include Vietnam and other ASEAN countries in the future. Human trafficking is a trans-national crime and reinforcing regional responses and promoting concerted policing efforts is an essential element of this program.

Australia takes a strong stand against human trafficking, and this initiative demonstrates our continued commitment to fight this type of activity in our region.

Media contacts:

Malcolm Cole (Minister's Office) 02 6277 7500

AusAID (Public Affairs) 0417 680 590

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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