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JOINT STATEMENT by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the executive of ACFID, Australian Red Cross, CARE Australia, Caritas, Oxfam-Community Abroad and World Vision Australia
The Indian Ocean disaster on Sunday 26 December killed tens of thousands of people and has ruined the lives of millions of others.
The Australian Government responded rapidly with an initial commitment of $10 million and ADF aircraft to deliver direct assistance, and a further $25 million announced today. Australian non-government organisations (NGOs) are also working with partner agencies in each country to provide relief to people in greatest need.
The Australian people always show their overwhelming generosity in such times. We, the Government and Australian NGOs, are aware that Australians are appalled by this disaster and are thinking of how they can now help those in need.
The best way for members of the public to help is by cash donations to our Australian NGOs.
These organisations have qualified people on the ground in the affected countries, who understand the local situation, know the local cultures and languages, and work closely with local authorities and communities. They are best placed to identify critical needs and to buy the basic goods at the most competitive prices.
We deeply appreciate the generosity of the many groups and individuals who would like to send medicines, goods and clothing. But we know from experience that it is difficult to get contributions of this kind to the people in most need.
The high cost of packing, labeling and freighting goods consumes funds which would be better spent on supporting the efforts of Australian aid workers and their local partners who know exactly what is needed.
These are early days and the full extent of needs is not yet known. It is going to require an enormous effort over many months to help people rebuild their lives. We therefore encourage all Australians to continue their generous support. Good advice on the best way to help is available on these web sites:
Media inquiries:
Chris Kenny (Mr Downer's office) 0419 206 890
AusAID Public Affairs 0417 680 590