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The Australian community is being invited to comment and contribute to the future direction of Australia's overseas aid program, the Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr Bruce Billson, said today.
'Extensive consultation involving open forums and seminars will be undertaken around the country to assist with the development of a White Paper on Australia's aid program,' Mr Billson said.
'The White Paper aims to provide a medium-term strategic blueprint for our aid program, nearly $2.5 billion this year, that builds on lessons learned and ensures our assistance remains effective in a world of evolving challenges and new insights,' Mr Billson said.
'As demonstrated by the recent overwhelming public response to the tsunami disaster, many Australians are concerned about those in need abroad and interested in the role Australia is playing in assisting developing countries.
The Parliamentary Secretary will chair open forums from 7-9 am at the Brisbane Convention Centre on August 2 and at the Prahran Town Hall in Melbourne on August 8. Mr Billson will also chair a series of seminars in state capitals in August and September with invited experts, journalists, community based organisations, academics and the private sector.
'Joint AusAID/external teams will prepare analytical reports on HIV/AIDS, Asia, the Pacific, PNG and Indonesia and separately consult with partner governments and other key stakeholders both in Australia and abroad,' Mr Billson said.
'The Government welcomes public input on the direction and priorities of our overseas aid, as we work to improve livelihoods and promote economic growth, prosperity and stability in developing countries in our region,' Mr Billson said.
Comment can also be provided through the White Paper link on the AusAID website (
The Minister for Foreign Affairs will present the White Paper to Parliament in early 2006.
Media inquiries:
Shane Fairlie (Mr Billson's office) 0408 680 442
AusAID (Public Affairs) 0417 680 590