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Australian Support for Distance Learning in Jordan

News, speeches and media

Media Release


I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government is to provide support
for the University of Jordan's Distance Learning Centre to address poverty
through information and communications technology (ITC).

Australia will provide $200,000 to the World Bank for capacity building
activities at the Jordan Distance Learning Centre, which is part of the World
Bank's Global Distance Learning Network.

This contribution is part of the Australian Government's Virtual Colombo Plan
(VCP), a joint initiative with the World Bank, which World Bank President James
Wolfenson and I launched in August 2001.

Australia is contributing $200-million over five years to support Virtual
Colombo Plan programs.

Jordan was the first country in the Middle East to join the World Bank Global
Distance Learning Network following the launch by His Majesty, King Abdullah, of
the University of Jordan's Distance Learning Centre in July 2001.

The Global Distance Learning Network is a major initiative of the World Bank.
It is a partnership of public and private organizations working together to
increase local capacity, share knowledge and alleviate poverty through the
application of modern technologies.

Mr Downer is in Jordan today as part of his visit to the Middle East.

Chris Kenny (Minister's office) (02) 6277 7500 or 0419 206 890 (NB
- no voicemail service available - text messages only)

Dominic Morice (AusAID) (02) 6206 4220 or 0417 683 126

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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