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Australia Endorses Anti-corruption Action Plan for Asia-Pacific Region

News, speeches and media

Media Release


We are pleased to announce Australian endorsement of the primary
anti-corruption initiative for the Asia-Pacific region.

The Asian Development Bank-Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development Anti-Corruption Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific is a statement
of principles and standards for anti-corruption policy reform for regional

Twenty other countries have endorsed the Action Plan, including Papua New
Guinea and Indonesia. Australia's endorsement will enhance our
contribution to anti-corruption reforms both within the region and in
Australia. It also provides another avenue for dialogue and partnership with
regional countries on fighting corruption.

Australia's endorsement of the Action Plan is part of a broader
government-wide suite of anti-corruption measures that demonstrates
Australia's commitment to fighting corruption internationally, in the Asia
Pacific region, and in Australia.

Endorsing countries commit themselves to implementing the Action Plan's
principles and standards by developing domestic anti-corruption projects.

Australia is committed to transparency and accountability, and already takes
many measures to prevent corruption occurring in Australia.

Australia's overseas aid program is strongly focused on supporting more
transparent and accountable governance in Asia Pacific countries.
Australia has allocated a fifth of its aid expenditure (A$370 million) to
governance activities in 2003-04.

Australia currently assists several activities to strengthen accountable
governance within our partner countries:

  • In Papua New Guinea, assistance to the Royal PNG Constabulary National Fraud
    and Anti-Corruption Squad, the Ombudsman Commission, and the Media
    Council's War on Corruption;
  • In Indonesia, support to the Audit Board, the Electoral Commission, and the
    judiciary; and
  • In Solomon Islands, a frontal assault on corruption through our program of
    strengthened assistance under the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon

Australia will attend the Steering Group Meeting for the Action Plan from
1-2 December 2003 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. More broadly, Australia is a
party to the OECD Convention on the Bribery of Foreign Public Officials, and
was active in the recent negotiations for the UN Convention Against

Contacts: Chris Kenny (Mr Downer's office) 0419 206 890

Simon Troeth (Senator Ellison's office) 02 6277 7260 or 0439 300 335

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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