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New Australian Assistance to Eastern Indonesia

News, speeches and media

Media Release


I am pleased to announce a new, $30 million, five-year program to reduce
poverty and increase the impact of Australian and other donors' development
assistance in two of Indonesia's poorest provinces, East and West Nusa

Through the Australia-Nusa Tenggara Assistance for Regional Autonomy
(ANTARA) program, Australia will provide resources for heightened coordination
and integration between Australia's existing development programs and the
programs of other key donors.

This new funding will also enable the development of new activities in
specific areas such as local planning and budgeting and small business
development, in close consultation with key stakeholders at the provincial and
district levels.

The ANTARA program will also strategically invest resources in local or
international initiatives judged likely to have a significant impact on poverty
reduction and potential for expansion.

These measures will help improve regional and provincial governance in the
two provinces, increase peri-urban and rural incomes, and improve the
accessibility and quality of basic health and education services.

ANTARA will commence in East Nusa Tenggara, with a base in the provincial
capital of Kupang, West Timor, and will be extended to West Nusa Tenggara over
the next five years.

Australia already supports major development projects in Eastern Indonesia
in health, education and HIV/AIDS prevention, and helps build capacity within
local non-government organisations.

This latest funding of up to $30 million brings projected Australian
assistance to Eastern Indonesia to approximately $150 million over the next
five years and demonstrates Australia's commitment to working in
partnership with Indonesia to promote regional development.

Media inquiries:

Chris Kenny (Minister's Office) 02 6277 7500 or 0419 206 890

Jo Elsom (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 or 0412 804 489

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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