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Australia's Special Representative for Demining, Senator Kay Patterson, will
congratulate the Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin on Wednesday 29 November
for raising more than $6000 for the Destroy-A-Minefield Campaign.
'Special thanks must go to the Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin and
it's President, Mr Graeme Howieson, for their significant effort in raising
money for the people of Cambodia,' Senator Patterson said.
The Destroy-A-Minefield campaign is an Australian Government
initiative whereby the Government works together with the community to clear
minefields in Cambodia. Every two dollars raised will be matched by one dollar
from the Government.
Funds are used by Australian and Cambodian deminers to clear minefields in
the provinces of Siem Reap and Battambang.
'These funds will also contribute to clearing mines from the 'Sunrise
Orphanage' just outside the capital, Pnomh Penh. The 'Sunrise Orphanage' is well
known to Australians as it was established by expatriate Geraldine Cox,' Senator
Patterson said.
'The orphanage is being relocated to land that is unfortunately contaminated
by landmines, so the Australian Government offered assistance through the
Destroy-A-Minefield campaign to make the new orphanage site safe for
Through the Australian Government's overseas aid program, Australia funds
demining, victim support and mine awareness in Cambodia. So far, Australian aid
has helped cut by two thirds the number of Cambodians killed or maimed by
However, landmines are still widespread in Cambodia and a devastating one in
every 384 people is an amputee due to landmines. World wide, one person is
killed or maimed by a landmine every 20 minutes.
Australians can contribute to demining in Cambodia by supporting the
Government's successful Destroy-A-Minefield campaign by calling 13 32
Media contacts: Louise Ahern (Senator Patterson's office) 02 6277 3800 / 0409
034 403
Fionna Douglas (AusAID) 02 6206 4960 / 0412 804