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Australia will work with the World Bank to help thousands of people in Africa access clean water, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Teresa Gambaro MP announced today.
Australia through its international aid agency, AusAID, will contribute $3 million to the World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme in Africa.
The initiative will help communities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
Ms Gambaro said the partnership with the World Bank would encourage private sector investment in water and sanitation systems.
She said it would aim to assist African governments develop and implement effective water and sanitation policies with a particular focus on combating corruption.
'An estimated 20 - 40 per cent of water and sanitation resources in Africa are being lost because of corruption. This represents a potential loss of more than $26.5 billion from the sector over the next decade,' Ms Gambaro said.
'Africa is experiencing a water and sanitation crisis that debilitates and kills thousands, limiting economic growth, access to education and life opportunities. For example in Ethiopia, only 22 per cent of the population has access to enough drinking water and six per cent to adequate sanitation.'
Ms Gambaro said most at risk were the poor in rural areas and women and children in Africa's growing informal settlements.
'It is estimated that at any one time across Africa, 30 - 50 per cent of rural water supply systems are out of order,' she said.
Australia provided an estimated $82.5 million in development assistance to Africa in 2005 - 06.
Media contact:
Dean Savage (Minister's Office) 0438 171 330
AusAID (Public Affairs) 0417 680 590