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Australia to Help Pacific Countries Tackle Climate Change

News, speeches and media

Media Release


Australia is working with Samoa and other Pacific Island countries to address the impacts of climate change.

The Australian Government is providing more than $2 million through AusAID to support community adaptation activities in Samoa, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga and Solomon Islands.

A total of $400,000 will be provided to Samoa over the next two years through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Development Assistance, Bob McMullan, and Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Island Affairs, Duncan Kerr, have visited a village-based reef rehabilitation project site in Savaia Lefaga which is being funded through the initiative.

'The AusAID grant will contribute to the community-based adaptation program, focussing on projects that deal with reducing the climate change impact on ecosystems and livelihoods.

'We are supporting nationally-identified environmental priorities using an existing grants program and importantly, providing more support for local projects and activities,' Mr McMullan said.

Mr Kerr said the issue of climate change and adaptation was an Australian Government priority.

'It is also extremely important for Samoa given its vulnerability to rising sea levels, flooding, coastal erosion and ecosystem deterioration.

'Australia is pleased to be working with UNDP in Samoa to assist local communities manage the impact of climate change,' Mr Kerr said.

Media Contacts:

For Mr McMullan

Margaret Watt (with Mr McMullan) +61 (0) 438 271 749

Sabina Curatolo (in Canberra) +61 (0) 400 318 205

For Mr Kerr

'Alopi Latukefu (with Mr Kerr) +61 (0) 434 160 542

Brian Mitchell (in Hobart) +61 (0) 3 6234 5255 / +61 (0) 434 160 539

Last Updated: 25 February 2013
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