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In response to an urgent call for support from the World Food Programme (WFP), Australia will provide a further $5 million to help people displaced due to conflict in North-West Pakistan.
Over a million people remain displaced by fighting between militants and government forces, including up to 400,000 affected by recent military operations in South Waziristan.
The WFP continues to deliver crucial assistance to more than 10 million people across Pakistan, often in difficult and dangerous conditions.
Australia applauds the work of United Nations and other humanitarian agencies for their courage and determination in such difficult circumstances. The WFP lost five of its staff members in a terrorist attack on its headquarters in Islamabad last month.
Australia condemns the series of attacks on the Pakistani people and their democratic and political institutions, including this week's bomb attack in Peshawar.
These are callous attacks and Australia extends condolences to the Government of Pakistan and to the Pakistani people for the serious loss of life which has occurred.
Australia stands shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistan Government in its efforts to stare down extremism, including through its offensive in South Waziristan.
Australia and Pakistan are expanding the strategic dialogue between our countries and our development partnership.
Earlier this year I announced that Australia would double its development assistance program to Pakistan to $120 million over the next two years.
We have also doubled our training to the Pakistan military to 140 places, making Australia the second largest provider of overseas military training to Pakistan after the US.